Cleansing negative energy with the Water Element

Nature is a wonderful source of cleansing, we just have to become more aware and remember to use it in daily life. Personally, I know how amazing I feel after just wading in the ocean, this without setting an intention for a cleansing. And, I really feel the difference when I make a conscious effort and set an intention to be cleansed of any negative energy whilst walking on the beach.

At the base level, we are surrounded by dense and negative energy on a daily basis.   Simply by interacting with other people, we are open to picking up these negative vibes (as well as positive vibes dependent on the person’s experience in the here and now) without even realizing it… Essentially, we all emit a different frequency of vibration and our energy influences others, as other people’s vibration influences our own.

People who are suffering from illness, are depressed, have anxiety, suffer from anger, greed, have addictions, or large ego’s etc. carry a lot of heavier negative energy and when we interact with these people on a daily basis we are prone to become contaminated by their negativity. These negative energies can usually be sensed and sometimes even be felt by feelings of uneasiness, confusion or conflicting feelings and emotions within oneself.

Because we cannot live in isolation, I believe it is of the utmost importance to find simple and effective ways in which to self-heal and promote healthier energy in our lives in order to maintain our health and wellbeing. So that it does not seem like a huge chore or another thing to do it is best if we can incorporate it into our daily routines, such as my example above of my practice of going for a walk along the beach.

Not everyone lives by a body of water so here are some other ideas to consider…

How to cleanse oneself from negative energy with the Water element:

Water is a natural cleansing and purifying agent, however, by adding an intention (or a prayer) with the element of water, can greatly help reduce the negative effects of fatigue, worry, and other accumulated negative energies.

In daily life, we can cleanse negative energy when having a shower or a bath. And, if the opportunity arises, then swimming in or immersing oneself in a natural source of water, such as the ocean, by a waterfall or river are very powerful ways to cleanse negativity. When cleansing negative energy with the Water element there are three simple things to remember:

  • First and foremost it is very important to set an intention to cleanse and purify oneself of all negative energy that does not serve your highest good, your health and your wellbeing.
  • Ask the element of water to cleanse, clear and purify all negative energy that you are carrying and ask for all the negative energy be transformed into crystal clear water as it washes and bathes your body. Visualize this happening as you take the shower, bath or as you swim.
  • Give gratitude to the element of water for assisting you in this cleansing and purification of negative energy.

How to cleanse negative energy in a room with Salt Water

Salt is a well-known mineral for its extracting and absorbing capabilities, adding it to the element of water creates a powerful tool for cleansing negative energy. Rock salt or sea salt works better than table salt, however, if not available, table salt will still do the work.

  • Have 3 to 4 glasses, glass jars or small bowls you will use for the purpose of cleansing your space of negative energy.
  • Fill each receptacle about two thirds full of water and add 1 to 2 tablespoon of rock salt.
  • Set intention (or say a prayer) to have all negative energy be removed from your space and ask for a blissful lighter energy of love, vitality, and joy remain and bring harmony into your home. (Use your own words, as it will become more personal and more powerful).
  • Place the water in the corners of the space where energy feels the densest and is out of the way.
  • Leave for 24 hours. Notice and observe how the water looks from the different locations you placed it; sometimes in very dense and heavy spaces, it can look quite murky, and in other areas, if less dense the water will be clearer.
  • Empty out the receptacles of salt water into the toilet and flush away with words of gratitude for the cleansing and purification.
  • Wash receptacles with soap and warm water ready for use another time.
  • If energy in the space still feels heavy, this process can be repeated a second time. Otherwise, repeat as needed going forward.

Cleansing Negative Energy From Objects With Salt Water

Cleansing negative energy with saltwater

  • Fill a small bowl with enough water to completely cover the object needing cleansing (one that can be specifically used for the purposes of cleansing) add 1 teaspoon of rock salt or sea salt into the water.
  • Take a few minutes to sense the object in your hands, notice any heaviness, any sensations such as warmth, cold or tingling, and take note if it evokes any feelings or emotions.
  • Set an intention (or say a prayer) to have all negative energy be removed, from the object you wish to have cleaned. (Use your own words, as it will become more personal and more powerful).
  • Place the object into the water and let stand for a couple of hours – if the object feels very dense, can be left in the water for up to 24 hours. Make sure that the object is not corrosive when submerged in saltwater.
  • When you remove the object, rinse it under clear water and again take a few moments to sense how it feels, and compare to how it felt before the cleansing. Of course, if it still feels as it did at the onset, then likely, it needs to be left to be cleansed a little longer, in which case repeat the above steps until you notice a palatable shift in the experience of holding the object.
  • On completion, empty out the dirty water into the toilet and flush away with word of gratitude for the cleansing and purification
  • Wash the bowl with clean soap and warm water, dry with clean cloth or leave to air dry.

Cleansing “Black” Negative Energy using Salt Water – A Spiritual Healing Practice

If you are feeling drained at the end of the day, experiencing lethargy, have a lack of focus, excessive negative thoughts, perhaps even feeling a lot of anger or, generally depressed, it could likely be that this is not just attributed to the interaction with people and the environment but also negative entities that emit a “black” energy. This is not that uncommon, although the idea of it may feel a little “out there’. But, as our consciousness shifts globally, there is more and more scientific research and acceptance of the unseen entities and how they can affect our lives. And, more importantly how we can deal with these negative entities. If you feel this could be your experience in the here and now, then I would highly recommend you seek Spiritual Guidance and Healing from an experienced Spiritual Practitioner and also bring in a daily practice such as the Cleansing Black Energy Practice below. Salt Water for Cleansing Black Negative Energy Practice

  • Fill a bucket – about half full with warm water (comfortable temperature for you), make sure to cover feet and the water be just above the ankles.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of rock salt or sea salt into the water.
  • Set your personal intention (or say a prayer) to have all negative energy be removed from you and absorbed into the saltwater. (Notice how you are feeling before you put your feet into the water).
  • Sit in an upright chair and immerse your feet into the salt water – keep feet apart so they are not touching.
  • Just sit and relax the whole body and allow the salt water to extract the negative energy through the bottom of the feet. You can also visualize a beautiful sphere of crystal clear cosmic energy coming in from the crown and descending all the way down and out through the feet. Visualize this energy pushing out all the negativity and leaving only healthy vital life force energy in your body. (It is not unusual to feel tingling, warm, or cold sensations in the body whilst the cleansing of the dirty negative energy is in progress. Some people may even start yawning or burping, all these are perfectly normal reactions to deep cleansing.)
  • Keep the feet in the water for approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Take your feet out, and dry with a clean towel.
  • To finish say a few words of gratitude for the cleansing and purification and dispose of the salt water in the bucket by flushing down the toilet.
  • Wash out the bucket with soap and clean water before storing.

Notice how you are feeling now compared to when you started. Sometimes the process needs to be repeated. Gauge the frequency of repeating the process based on your personal experience of how you are feeling.

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Share the love and leave any tips on cleansing negative energy that works for you!

Sindy Taylor
WisdomTrees Intentional Living Products